What a word! Simple yet it contains energy... P..A..S..S..I..O..N. Beautiful!
Yet to attain it, it has to come from within the person. Does it come naturally or one has to manufacture it?

Many a time that the spark nearly burned out in me but it always find its way to ignite back again. My love for cinema runs too deep.
Sitting here, in order to conjure words on the blank screen, I have to dig within me to write and it is frustrating when you are at a loss of the exact word to put, but once it comes, it flows and flows.

Making films, I have to be fired up from within to want to start a project because that fire is the one that will let me see it through all the way. There will always be a million and one obstacles or reasons that will hinder or stall me from carrying on.
At a cross road I am, to continue or not and that is the question.
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