Wednesday, November 30, 2005

EXIT - Part 3

Director's notes - Part 3
My first draft was really awful as I was approaching the material from a macabre manner. I called upon my friend, Marcos Soriano, who is an accomplished writer in his own right, to write EXIT for me. During our collaboration, he came about an interesting plot which involved the CIA drug operation in Vietnam that was intercepted by the US army. From there, I found the angle that I wanted to approach which is that elusive gray area.

Of course, in the beginning we did not have a definite title for the material. We called it “Crossing The Line” for a certain camera technique that I employed in the film to suggest the shift of focus. EXIT came about because of the EXIT sign that begun the film. It would also be the last image to close the film. I intended it to be the book cover. There were long debates on whether to show the acting out of the crimes from Samantha’s part but that then we would have to show Ben’s crime too. Due to the nature of our limited budget film, I decided to play them through the dialogue spoken rather than showing the criminal acts.
to be continued...


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